Terms and Conditions


This document refers to the conditions under which the website can be used.

By accessing or using the website www.romaniabest.ro, you agree to the terms and conditions below.

This website is owned and managed by ROMANIA BEST TOUR SRL.

The travel agency ROMANIA BEST TOUR is not responsible for any inconsistencies that may appear between the information presented on this website and the information provided by the travel agent from the agency. The updated information received from the travel agent will always have priority.

The travel agency ROMANIA BEST TOUR also functions as a reseller for third-party providers of tourist services (travel agencies, hotels, airlines) – hereinafter referred to as Suppliers.

The travel agency ROMANIA BEST TOUR is not responsible for the tourist services offered by the Suppliers, for their accuracy or quality.


The user of www.romaniabest.ro has the right to view the site on the computer monitor, to print parts of the site’s content on paper and to save pages in electronic format only for personal, non-commercial purposes.


You agree to comply with the following obligations including (but not limited to):

You are over 18 years old and have the legal capacity to initiate legal actions.

Guaranteeing the veracity of the data provided about you or your family members.

Not using the Site for speculative purposes, generating false or fraudulent reservations.

Prohibition of transmitting political, pornographic, racist or other materials that violate the law.

The obligation not to alter, copy, transmit, distribute, sell, display, license or reproduce the content of the Site, except for the use for personal and non-commercial purposes of a single copy of the information contained in the Site.

The user of www.romaniabest.ro does not have the right to use (in its existing or modified form) the content of the site for commercial purposes.

The user of www.romaniabest.ro does not have the right to remove the copyright and/or trademark notice from the copies of the content. Copies will be made only according to the terms of use.

The user of www.romaniabest.ro does not have the right to create databases or manuals by downloading page by page of the site’s content.

Requests regarding the republication or redistribution of content will be addressed to ROMANIA BEST TOUR at office@romaniabest.ro.


Reservations made on the website www.romaniabest.ro  will be considered as your intention to purchase a certain tourist product or service from the travel agency ROMANIA BEST TOUR or from one of the Suppliers. Each reservation will be taken over and you will receive a confirmation email stating that your request has been received and a ROMANIA BEST TOUR travel agent will contact you to check and confirm availability (maximum 48 hours – working days ). Once the reservation is confirmed, the terms and conditions of the Contract for the sale of tourist services will come into force.

The availability of the offers/packages on the website is dynamic and may change at any time, depending on the availability of the suppliers/hotels/partner airlines or the reservations made by other users of the website; we do not assume responsibility if these availabilities could not be updated in real time on the website www.romaniabest.ro, and at the time of receiving the request/booking there are no more available places or the rates have undergone changes.

Within the site there are mentions regarding special offers, discounts such as Early Booking, Last Minute, etc., these having special conditions for reservation, modification, payment and cancellation, which is why we ask you to carefully read these conditions and if you have questions or concerns, please contact our consultants before making a reservation.

In the case of special offers, Early Booking, Last minute offers, etc., the Agency reserves the right to limit the number of seats on a certain discount threshold/room type/departure date, etc., and in case of their exhaustion before the expiration of the period until which the offer is valid, the Agency can move to the next discount threshold, can sell at the price of the general offer or, in exceptional cases, can supplement the number of seats allocated on a certain discount threshold/room type/date of departure.

If the Traveler/User has special needs that involve the smooth running of the tourist services, you have the obligation to inform ROMANIA BEST TOUR in writing about them (medical cases, specialized assistance, disabilities). Depending on the situation, the agency reserves the right to refuse the confirmation of tourist services in case the needs may endanger the smooth running of the tourist packages.

When browsing the Site, you will be able to see references to different conditions applicable to special offers. Please read these terms carefully and please contact ROMANIA BEST TOUR for complete details.

The agency ROMANIA BEST TOUR is not responsible for possible typographical errors or inconsistencies appearing in leaflets, catalogs, promotional materials, advertisements. The information received in the agency has priority.


Payment for the services / tourist packages purchased can be made in several ways: cash, bank transfer, internet banking, payment link, holiday cards. The complete payment methods can be found on the website www.romaniabest.ro in the “Payment methods” section.


ROMANIA BEST TOUR can make changes to the terms and conditions of use, without previously announcing this in the website content. Therefore, please read the terms and conditions of use every time you access or use this site. Your use of the site, after the modification of these terms, constitutes your acceptance of the modified terms and conditions.

These rules are in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force. Violation of the provisions of this document constitutes a violation of the rights of ROMANIA BEST TOUR and may attract the civil, contraventional or, as the case may be, criminal liability of the person at fault. Conflicts arising in connection with the website’s terms of use will be submitted to the courts for resolution.

This site may contain links to various sites. When you access these sites, you are implicitly outside the www.romaniabest.ro site and you have the obligation to respect the terms and conditions of use of the new sites accessed.


The copyright, property rights and content of the website www.romaniabest.ro belong to ROMANIA BEST TOUR SRL. The material contained on the site is the property of ROMANIA BEST TOUR SRL or its affiliates, except when they are recognized as belonging to other involved parties. The name ROMANIA BEST TOUR as well as the other brands, logos or graphic elements contained in the site are registered trademarks of ROMANIA BEST TOUR SRL or its affiliates. Other names of companies, products or services that appear on the Site may be registered trademarks of their respective owners. You have no right or license to use these trademarks.


If you believe that the photos or texts published on our website violate the copyright law, please notify us at sesizari@romaniabest.ro, mentioning the page and the content that violate the law. ROMANIA BEST TOUR uses promotional materials made available by third parties and cannot control or verify their origin. ROMANIA BEST TOUR will immediately remove any illegal material from its websites and will inform the injured party about this.
